Whilst we was making our music video we created a questionnaire on survey monkey, this was to find out what people wanted to see in music video's and what attracts them to music videos. once the questionnaire was finished i then linked the questionnaire to my social networking site (facebook) as facebook has many people logging on to it every day.
I then made another one once i was finished to see what people fort off our music video and these was the comments back.
for question one i asked: is our music parallel with our music video?
from the survey i found out that 80% agreed with my music is parallel with the music video, however 20% didn't find it parallel. i don't know why they didn't find it parallel as you can see i only made the question to answer YES and NO. maybe i should of said explain why after.
Another question i asked was: how did our music video make you feel?
10% of the people said it made them feel confused. however the other 90% said it made them happy it was enjoyable.
another question we wanted to find out was: if you see our music video would you then go and buy our CD? another one is how effective is our didgipak to selling our CD?
for question 3 it was a 50 50 answer, however for our didgipak it was 60% that said yes and the other 40% said no. i think our didgipak is very interesting and makes you want to pick our CD up to have a look, then maybe once they have seen the music on the back they shall purchase.
another question we gave our audience out of six different answers that they could choose from about what they liked about the music video. With this question we allowed the audience to pick up to six answers here are the results below shown in a bar graph.
As show below the number of people who likes the location was five out of ten, from this I was able to see that the audience thought that i should have used a different location in the video instead of the one location. Ten out of ten people likes the colour used in the video as well as the actors that we used and the props such as the balloons. Eight people out of the ten liked the lighting, this may be because the theme of the lighting was red and white, which some may not like, as well as the hair and makeup, there wasn’t anything different about the hair and makeup apart from it being simple.
As a group we was all happy with the over all scoring we received. Question was; on the scale to one to five, how would you rate our music video. We received four goods whilst the others were brilliant meaning that over half of our audience thought that our music video was brilliant. Question 6; ‘ do you think that the music video was appropriate to the song/lyrics, 100% of people who took the questionnaire said yes. This shows that we really thought about what the lyrics said, and tried to make a video with it, and it worked.
Overall, with our aundience feedback, i think as a group we are happy, this is becuase it shows that people liked it, so all the hard work put in was a success.
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